Two Last Call Quickies:
-Tonight (Thursday) I’m teaching Book Proposal 101. Come hang!
-Tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline for 20% off an annual sub to my new column, Behind the Pitch
I texted my mom the above photo of me at a conference earlier this month. She replied, worried, “Are you OK? You look exhausted.” I guess a mother really does always know. “I’m fine. I’m exhausted, but I’m committed to going hard for Dry January, then scaling way back,” I replied after pinching the digital photo to zoom in on my eyes, trying to see what part of me looked exhausted enough to concern my mom. “OK, as long as you have a plan,” she said. Later that evening, I cried in the shower and went to bed at 8 pm.
I struggle with work addiction and tech addiction, so Dry January has been both invigorating (Yay!! More work!! Back on social media!! Networking!! Press!!) and exhausting (Oy vey. More work. Back on social media. Networking. Press.) My husband jokes that I “snort networking” because I come alive in these environments. I’m a true ambivert1 who thrives in social settings, then crashes on the couch, recharging under my 50-pound pitbull named Stevie Nicks who doubles as a weighted blanket.
Dry January through Valentine’s Day are the busiest six weeks of my year because I’m the internet’s “Sober Sexpert” and the co-founder of an NA spirit. My book and drink came out in the fall of 2023, so launching my new card deck provided an opportunity to ride the momentum, promoting all of my work. This Dry January was by far the busiest because traditional journalism finally caught up to the sober curious/non-alc world many of us have built since 2015ish.
I underestimated how the inauguration (and every day since) has rapidly destroyed my hope for humanity. The interviews I gave at the end of the month had a darker, more solemn tone as I struggle to accept our new reality. Work is a welcome distraction from Nazi 2.0.
I’m glad I went hard this month but holy shit, y’all. I really am exhausted. I feel like I just completed another book tour. Which I kinda did??? I’m ready to retreat back into a full teaching schedule and work on a new book proposal.
Dry January Recap
Below you’ll find a list of everything I did in Dry January. Tbh, I’m mostly making this list for me because a list of accomplishments is porn for a Capricorn work addict like myself. And mom, if you’re reading, thanks for the wake up call!
New York Times - Pinch me! The incredible Catherine Pearson interviewed me about sober sex, liquid courage, and bisexuality. Read it here.
NPR - Pinch me again! I was on NPR’s 1A discussing sober sex and my book, Dry Humping, with two sex therapists. Listen here.
Dan Savage - I returned to Savage Love, discussing Dry January, bisexuality, and… ketamine. Listen here2.
Business Insider - I turned this viral Substack post about my mom strting college at age 55 into an essay for Business Insider. Read it here.
Men’s Health Pt. 1 - I answered a question about sober sex for Men’s Health’s column, Sexplain It. Read it here.
Men’s Health Pt. 2 - My NA spirit, (parentheses), was listed in Men’s Health’s 15 Reasons It’s Awesome to Be Sober(ish) Right Now by Ian Lecklitner. Of course “the sober sexpert” prefers a stiff drink 😎
Recovery Rocks Podcast - Lisa and I recorded several Dry January episodes, including this incredible convo with
. We discussed her popular essay about NA drinks, journalism's evolution, aging, and intergenerational friendships. Listen on Apple and Spotify.Writing Podcast - I took a break from talking about Dry January to discuss my work as a journalist and publishing teacher on Megan’s Bookish Life. Listen on Apple and Spotify.
Women + Finance - My NA drink sponsored a women’s finance event in TriBeCa.
Client Work - I do media strategy work for an incredible nonprofit called Road Recovery. I got them on Wake Up With Marci and documented their panel at the HealthImpact conference. Shout out to the legendary Simon Kirke for hanging with us!
Two NA Conferences - It was an honor to share my NA drink, speak on a panel about sober dating, and sign books/card decks at Mindful Drinking Fest in DC and Dry Vibes in Philly.
New Classes - I teach virtual classes on publishing, DIY publicity, how to create + pitch a card deck, and more. See my schedule here.
New Column - If you want to learn how I landed all the above press, consider becoming a paid subscriber for my new column, Behind the Pitch. Tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline for 20% off an annual sub.
Ambivert = both introverted and extroverted. Even my personality is bi!
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Whoa that's so much but congrats for finally getting all of the recognition that you deserve and have worked so hard for.
Congrats on all those bylines! I'd be curious to know which ones you feel like are worth the time/effort? Business Insider, HuffPo etc, pay so little, it hardly seems worth it, you know?
My (boring) day job is medical editing and writing, so my rates are higher. But the glory is lower :-D