Chock full of insight Tawny! Let's ditch the algorithm and get together in real life soon! XO!

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I’d love that! Hopefully we can do an event together soon. Where are you located??

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Chicago, Chicago!

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Ahhhh ok good to know. Hope to hug IRL soon :)

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Very interesting Tawny, thanks for this. I'm a software developer in recovery, and the big push right now is to use AI when possible, but with lots of caveats (review what is generated, don't take it at face value). I could see this relating in terms of echo chambers and building things that might unintentionally be even more targeted toward cis white males. Good to think critically and try to get out of our echo chambers when we can.

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You’re so so so right! I didn’t even get into AI for this piece but everything you’re saying is spot on. AI only “knows”what we taught it, which is why algorithms and AI are full of racist/homophobic ideologies. There’s a great book on this subject: https://bookshop.org/p/books/technically-wrong-sexist-apps-biased-algorithms-and-other-threats-of-toxic-tech-sara-wachter-boettcher/11186625?ean=9780393356045&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_Kgvbx4CzojjsodRahI1bHEvorboOZcOOgB6DCpx8xs--KrgaBttpfKBoCON8QAvD_BwE

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Definitely going to check this out!

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Loved this and appreciate the tips (and the memes!). I have distanced myself from social for a long while because I always feel the ick within minutes of being one there. Maybe I need to change up the rhythm!

I’m in the complete gestation stage of writing a book proposal and I’m all signed up for your class. Looking forward to your guidance!

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See you on the 22nd!

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So interesting, is he doing a social experiment or just rude in the dog park? Get to know him better and report back! This piece was full of good info.

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Also, this is what I was talking about with the guy from Kingston involved in January 6th. Algorithmic radicalization is terrifying

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Ah yes, that guy.

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I actually wrote this piece about 6 months ago but published yesterday I just didn’t change the “the other day” descriptor. I’ve gotten to know him since and realized that his algorithm definitely reflects his political beliefs.

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This article was fantastic and refreshing. Thank you, Tawny!

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Thanks Jessa!

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Maybe Dog Park Guy has a burner Instagram account he does all his right wing research on…

I’ll never forget the month of algorithm serves I got after I listened to two Alex Jones auto tune video memes.

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You know I thought of this! But after having a few more conversations with him, I realized the algorithm definitely reflects the dude.

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Shaking the algoRHYTHM! It's astounding how I've become (well, of of us have, really) so dependent on SEO and the algorithm and social media and the dopamine hits the internet gives us. It's frightening, really. Thank you for this reminder to be more mindful in our consumption!

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Te amo 🫶🏽

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Love this article (especially the memes, they make me so happy). I've had a love/hate relationship with the algorithm for awhile now. I also feel like I'm "clocking in" when I use IG. But, lately I started clicking on random funny memes and now I'm getting way more comedy (yay!). I work with students on the role social media plays in their drinking lives and I teach them about this whole concept. I have them click on an add and then document how many more times they are shown that ad or something similar over a course of time. They're always shocked!

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Such a great exercise you’re doing with your students!

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Finally! An article in SEO and the Algorithm that I can understand and take action on! Thank you for this.

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What a compliment! Thanks Kelsey 🤘🏽

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Thank you for this! I'm pretty sure I do the opposite of confusing my algorithms and just go down the same rabbit holes, which in some cases I welcome, like the daily parenting tips I see in my Instagram feed that I hope when I finally become a mom will be useful, and in many others, I don't. I don't know if I have the energy to create a private Instagram but yours sounds very peaceful.

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TAWNY! This came out SO GOOD!! Thanks for the shoutout too xoxoxox

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