I struggle a ton with body image, and one of the "benefits" of drinking before getting sober was feeling like I looked so much better (uh, until the next morning, when I definitely looked WORSE because of the alcohol and resulting impact on fluid metabolism, skin, and sleep). I try to remember the new and improved "after shot" now that I don't drink. While that doesn't solve my struggle with body image, it sure helps.
Such wise, actionable advice, Tawny!
I struggle a ton with body image, and one of the "benefits" of drinking before getting sober was feeling like I looked so much better (uh, until the next morning, when I definitely looked WORSE because of the alcohol and resulting impact on fluid metabolism, skin, and sleep). I try to remember the new and improved "after shot" now that I don't drink. While that doesn't solve my struggle with body image, it sure helps.
Rooting for you, Sober & Sexy!
Dana, your support means so much to me! I just downloaded this audiobook. V excited to check it out. https://bookshop.org/p/books/body-neutral-a-revolutionary-guide-to-overcoming-body-image-issues/18850164?ean=9780593491768&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_5unBhCMARIsACZyzS3-QgEG_6XxLBJi0zSlQDDtlqAofHlDIfbcH6Ih7rKGy7RLPB5r5gUaAlFsEALw_wcB
Oh, fantastic! I'll add that one to my list. Thank you, Tawny!